RT Studio members are invited to work with Roland privately on any of the following:

playwriting & screenwriting

Work on a major new play, musical or screenplay over several months. Schedule sessions as needed.

Ongoing script work often follows a Step One Project Evaluation (see below).


music theory & ear training
music composition & songwriting

For songwriters eager to better understand the theory behind your tunes or if you’re just hoping to improve your ability to write down your musical ideas.

Roland is happy to design a program shaped around your specific goals.


Producing + Project Planning

Roland brings 25 years of experience producing film & theater to helping you shepherd your next project from the page to its most passionate audience.


Step One Project Evaluation,
RT Future Study Gift Cards,
One Hour Jump Start are open to anyone. No application required.

Visit the Studio a la carte page for details.


what makes work with roland so unusual?

I’m ready. Sign me up!

Starting in February 2024, Roland will be adding a handful of in-person appointments to his weekly schedule to supplement his private work online.
Study with Roland privately in New York City or Westport, Connecticut.