RT Self-Production Boot Camp
spring 2023 - enrollment closed
dramatists guild institute


For years Roland has been helping demystify the process of producing work for film and theatre in this interactive, fun and detailed workshop.

Participants are invited to enroll only if you have a specific project you’re interested in exploring in terms of how, when and where you might produce it.

Keep in mind. No one produces anything alone. We don’t even really write in total isolation, if we’re honest. We need to connect with people who already know us and our work to build a producing family. Not everyone need commit with the same intensity you will bring.

But if you decide to take the plunge and produce your work, the rewards can be limitless, not just for your work and its visibility, but for your own sense of connection and belonging as a part of a complex artistic community.

We don’t have to love everything our friends create. But surely we can love, support and applaud the impulse that drives our fellow artists to make work to share with the world.

Roland offers you several opportunities to get comfortable with your own ambition and the messy, time-consuming, never-linear business of getting your stuff up on its feet and seen by the people who were born to adore it.

Before launching your next project it’s helpful to clarify goals.


Many public performances and educational offerings both here and at Hear Me Out Monologues are offered free of charge or at steep discounts exclusively to you when you join RT Inner Circle Patreon. (for as little as $3/month)

Your Comp Promo Codes are all posted at https://patreon.com/rolandtec



3rd Thursday BizWork Q&A
2PM, EsT
lunch on Zoom

Sometimes we get stuck in our projects because of one or two questions that intimidate us.

But they don’t have to.

Submit any questions you have about making, producing, promoting and selling your work. And Roland will address your questions to an invited group of serious-minded artists like you.

No question too big or too small

Roland will take your questions and turn them into a learning opportunity for the small group gathered. And never fear. If you prefer, you may opt to remain anonymous as your question is answered to the group. The choice is yours. These monthly sessions are open to all members of the RT Inner Circle Patreon at any level. However only those at the “Creator” tier ($12) and above may submit questions. All are welcome to observe.


Roland Tec’s Self-Production Boot Camp is both practical and inspirational. He tells us how to do it and then makes a strong and life-changing case for why to do it. Across the board, Atlanta participants agreed that it gave them great new tools for kick-starting the next stage of their career.
— Pamela Turner, Director of Theatre & Film Ben Franklin Academy-Emory

You have a script that simply must be produced. The choice is simple: Do you wait for someone else to come along and deem it 'ready for production' or do you take matters into your own hands and bring this exciting work to the audience you know is ready for it?

That's what we call a rhetorical question.

Through his popular Self-Production Boot Camps Roland Tec has helped sow the seeds for countless productions of new work and sparked the birth of indie theatre companies in cities all across the U.S. 


Cracking the Producers Code -
a weekend intensive

11 Hours that will forever alter your view of your own scripts and how you’ve always gone about bringing them out into the world.


Not yet ready to even contemplate self-producing? Roland’s weekend intensive Cracking the Producers Code provides playwrights and screenwriters with a whole new set of tools designed to help you understand exactly what producers see when they read new scripts. Learn to see your scripts as producers do and you’re on your way to more opportunities and better productions that are aligned with the unique brand of storytelling you’re driven to create.

Roland Tec taught a Self-Production Boot Camp to about 40 members of our theatre community, young, old, and mid-career.  It was smart, direct, helpful, and focused on the needs of the students.  I think he’s a wonderful man, a great theatre person, who knows what he’s talking about, and just incidentally, he’s able to bring out even the shyest in the room, so all participate fully.  Can’t go wrong with him!
— Julie Jensen, playwright & educator

If you need ongoing input from Roland over the course of weeks or months, consider engaging him through

the RT Private Studio

where you can book private sessions with him as needed.

Marlene Dickenson describes Roland Tec's teaching approach.

When you take one of Roland's Creative Producer workshops, you join a growing movement of writers and performers who are taking control of their artistic destiny, one production at a time. 

For more information on how you can bring one of his workshops to your community, contact Roland’s Virtual Assistant, Michelle Moltz at RTAssistant@gmail.com.