For years Roland has been helping demystify the process of producing work for film and theatre in this interactive, fun and detailed workshop.
Participants are invited to enroll only if you have a specific project you’re interested in exploring in terms of how, when and where you might produce it.
Keep in mind. No one produces anything alone. We don’t even really write in total isolation, if we’re honest. We need to connect with people who already know us and our work to build a producing family. Not everyone need commit with the same intensity you will bring.
But if you decide to take the plunge and produce your work, the rewards can be limitless, not just for your work and its visibility, but for your own sense of connection and belonging as a part of a complex artistic community.
We don’t have to love everything our friends create. But surely we can love, support and applaud the impulse that drives our fellow artists to make work to share with the world.
Roland offers you several opportunities to get comfortable with your own ambition and the messy, time-consuming, never-linear business of getting your stuff up on its feet and seen by the people who were born to adore it.
Before launching your next project it’s helpful to clarify goals.